In this section you will find two PDF's with settings of Lutheran liturgy.
A setting of much of the Communion Liturgy. Included are Kyrie/Gloria (but not Worthy is Christ), Offertory (Create in Me a Clean Heart, not Let the Vineyards), Great Thanksgiving/Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Nunc Dimittis, and various salutations and acclamations.
A complete setting of Compline, or Prayer at the Close of the Day, or Night Prayer (page 320 in Evangelical Lutheran Worship). This is a service that we use at Augsburg in some years on Wednesday evenings during Lent.
View Communion
View Compline
The music is in portable document format (pdf) and requires the Acrobat reader to view. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat reader, click on the icon below to download it.